Helical Viruses
(All enveloped, all helical, all ssRNA, segmented 2nd floor, all negative, except Corona/Sars)
This story revolves around a frat house…
All frat houses have a sign: This house is the helical house (swirl on the roof)
The Flag for this house has a bottle of CORONA and stars (SARS)
v It’s the only good thing about the house (only +).
When frat boys are outside the house they try to portray a (+) image… but inside the house, there’s a bad reputation (it’s all (-)) and there are lots of secrets (everything’s ENVELOPED).
On the 2nd Floor – segmented into ROOMS.
Far Left Room
What do frat boys like to do… Watch football… Thus the ARENA Room today’s game is between LASSA vs LCM in a Machupo (match-up). There are 2 teams in the game (2 segments).
Middle Room
The window was left Open (ORTHOMYXO) and “in flew” (INFLUENZA) 8 birds (8 segments)…
Far Right Room
Here we have a crazy rabbit with three ears (3 segments) named BUNYA, who is bleeding (hemorrhagic fever). He has a bit of a mean streak so he carries a bloody spear to go hunting (HANTA). (Alternatively, he is “Haunted” by the others in the house.) He hates living at the frat house so he decides to run away by jumping on a RAFT and going down the RIFT VALLEY, crossing to LA, California (La Crosse) where he unfortunately gets CALIFORNIA ENCEPHALITIS.
On the 1st Floor
Far Left
PARAMYXO party (a “pair of mixers”) with MMR – P
MEASLES, MUMPS and RSV – PARAINFLUENZA – all these kids are underage (these hit mostly kids), and one’s in a wheelchair
(don’t confuse this with the MMR vaccine, which is measles mumps and rubella. Para-myxo – Greek = around -mucous)
Far Right
Once during initiation time, one very unfortunate young, MARBURG man came down with EBOLA.
As you can guess this didn’t turn out favorably so the frat FILO (filed) this incident away for no one to hear.
Middle To protect the file cabinet, behind the bullet shaped door the, the boys bought a mad black dog (Nigri bodies) named RHABDO, who had RABIES